You’ve got your ticket to MN Blogger Conference. You’ve tweeted your excitement with the hashtag #MNBlogCon. You’ve planned your day around our rockstar lineup of speakers.
What else you can do to show the world how jazzed you are to attend MN Blogger Conference this weekend? By showing off one of these official conference badges on your site, of course!
[code lang=”js”]<a href="" ><img border="0" src="" alt="2014 MNBlogCon Attendee" /></a>[/code]
[code lang=”js”]<a href="" ><img border="0" src="" alt="2014 MNBlogCon Speaker" /></a>[/code]
[code lang=”js”]<a href="" ><img border="0" src="" alt="2014 MNBlogCon Volunteer" /></a>[/code]
Image credit: sweetenough on Flickr