We’d like to extend a big thank you to all of you who attended the 2nd Minnesota Blogger Conference last September. There was a packed house of attendees and a solid group of speakers. Months later we are still hearing great things from attendees on things they’ve learned and connections they’ve made.
Lately we’ve been getting a number of inquiries from bloggers and potential sponsors/speakers on plans for 2012, so we thought we’d take a moment to address some of these questions. We don’t have official plans at this point to host another conference this year, however we are continuing to discuss it regularly and hope to have a decision within the next few months. Our decision is really pending a few things:
- appetite from the local blogging community for another conference
- interest and funding from potential sponsors to make an event possible
- reliable and willing volunteers to serve on the planning team and work
Stay tuned and we’ll be sure to clue you in when we have something firm to report. If you’d like to get more involved or are connected to an organization who is interested in sponsoring the event this year in a significant way (and we aren’t talking product samples, yo), please give us a holler.
Thanks –
Missy Berggren and Arik Hanson
I’d love to help in the planning. One thing I’d like to see is a special section devoted to visual blogging (Pinterest, Posterous, etc.)
Sounds great Sara – love the topic idea! We’ll be in touch on planning 🙂
I would love to attend! But I’m living in Duluth and am an amateur, so I’m not sure how much help I could be!
Katie – you are welcome to attend – hope you can make it!
As far as ‘appetiteyou from the blogging community, we’re hungry =) I’d also be available to help plan. Do you have sponsorship info available? There are a few companies I’m thinking about.
I’d love it if there was another conference. I’d love to help with the planning, too.
Count me in on the ‘working at a conference’. I’m sorry I missed the first one, I’d sure like a chance to meet fellow Minnesota Bloggers!
I’m happy to volunteer my services before and during the event. I’ve relocated back to MN after living in California for 33 years! Am looking to network with people and connect with other bloggers, so I’m hoping that you will be having a conference this year.
Hey folks,
Count me among the people hungry for another conference and willing to help with the planning, coordination or general needs of the people putting this on. I would have been involved earlier had I known about this before today!
If another conference ever comes to fruition, I’d love to hear about it. Sounds like something that’d be worth my time.
I’m back in MN and only a few short hours away from the Twin Cities. Please let me know if I can help you with planning for the conference. I held two developer conferences in Orlando and helped with a few others.